The following forms are required for students who will obtain a Committee Letter from the Pre-Health Committee for the 2025 application cycle to medical or dental school.
Letter Writer Guidelines
Provide each individual who is going to write a letter of recommendation for you with a copy of these guidelines. Their letter must be signed, dated and printed on official letterhead. Tell your letter writer not to return the letter to you or send them directly to TMDSAS or another application service. Their letter should be returned to your designated pre-health advisor.
Intent to Interview Form
Before we can produce a committee letter for you, you must first print a copy of this Intent to Interview form, read it carefully, sign and date where required, and then upload the signed form in the 2024 application cycle Canvas site. This form represents a commitment to participate in the committee letter process.
Supplemental Information Form
NEW APPLICANTS ONLY: Once you have signed up for an interview slot, you will need to fill out this Supplemental Information Form as completely as possible. If you need it in a form other than as a MS Word document, please contact a pre-health advisor. Follow the instructions on the form carefully. You MUST upload the completed form to the 2024 application cycle Canvas site at least seven days in advance of your interview. Failure to do so will be viewed as an indication of irresponsibility and poor organization by the Pre-Health Committee. We highly recommend that you save or print a copy of this completed form for yourself to use when filling out your applications.
Re-Applicant Update Form
RE-APPLICANTS ONLY: If you are a re-applicant for this application cycle we will have your Supplemental Information Form from a previous application cycle on file. So you do not need to fill that form out again. Instead, please download and complete the Re-Applicant Update Form. You must upload your completed form to the 2024 application cycle Canvas site at least one week in advance of your interview.
Committee Packet Distribution Form
When you are ready to have your Committee Packet uploaded to the application services or schools you are applying to, you will need to complete this Committee Packet Distribution Form and return it to your pre-health advisor. We will use this information to determine when your packet is complete (i.e. when we have received all of your individual letters of recommendation) and to determine where we need to send your packet.