Wildlife Society Student Chapter
The Wildlife Society at Texas State University

The Wildlife Society Mission Statement:
The mission of The Wildlife Society is to enhance the ability of wildlife professionals to conserve diversity, sustain productivity and ensure responsible use of wildlife resources for the benefit of society.
This mission is implemented through five goals:
1. Advocate the use of sound biological, social, and economic information in making wildlife policy decisions.
2. Enhance the knowledge and technical capabilities of wildlife professionals.
3. Increase public awareness and appreciation of wildlife conservation and the wildlife profession.
4. Promote professional standards for wildlife research, education, and management.
5. Recognize the professional stewardship of wildlife.
Faculty Co-advisors:
Dr. Sarah Fritts (fritts.sarah@txstate.edu) and Dr. James Emerson (xwz@txstate.edu)
Officers for 2024 - 25:
President: Eros Baua (dzj5@txstate.edu)
Vice President: Dayna Ovalle (mvj22@txstate.edu)
Treasurer: Alexandra Fleming-Patrick (kaf162@txstate.edu)
Secretary: Julian Moreno (nvh20@txstate.edu)
Historian: Jaime Acero (nlb82@txstate.edu)
Fundraising Committee Leader:
Raptor Rehabilitation Committee Leader:
Education Outreach Committee Leader:
Specimen Committee Leader:
Hiking Chair:
Email any of the officers to get information about joining.
Meeting Times
We meet every other Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending meetings please email one of the officers to be added to the canvas page.
Recent Activities
The Texas State student chapter won first place for “Large Project” in the 2024 Bioblitz competition sponsored by the Wildlife Society.
Members have been helping out with: turtle sampling at Spring Lake, the Snapshot USA trail camera project, raptor rehabilitation, deer capture (assisting the East Foundation in south Texas), improving conditions on campus to be bat-friendly, and the Delta Waterfowl hunt.
Every year, the student chapter also keeps in the Quiz Bowl at the annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society.
Please visit our society’s Instagram @txstwildlife or our Canvas Page for more information about the Texas State Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society.
Important Links:
- Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society: https://tctws.org
- The Wildlife Society: https://wildlife.org/
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: https://tpwd.texas.gov/