Plants important to Wildlife (BIO 4400/5400), Professional Development (BIO 5100/7100)
Communicating Science (BIO 7300), College Science Teaching (BIO 7301), Everyday Biology (HON 2303D)
Ireland Study Abroad Program, Issues in Irish Biodiversity and Conservation (BIO 4327/4237), Field Biology of Ireland (BIO 4328/5328)
Discipline-Based Educational Research Methods (BIO 7361A), Aquatic Resources Seminar - topics vary by section (BIO 7102)
Research Interests
Dr. Kristy Daniel is a discipline-based education researcher focused on exploring biology learning. Her primary research program explores issues with communicating science with visuals in effort to improve learning in both college classrooms and informal learning environments. Her goal is to provide evidence to support ways of making science accessible to more people – through conceptual understanding, interest, engagement, awareness, and visual interpretation.
Selected Publications
Idema, J.L. & Daniel, K.L. (In Press, 2022). Socioscientific issues and the potential for fostering engagement through exhibits. In Patrick, P. (Ed.) Applying Learning Theories (Theoretical Frameworks) in Science Research Outside the Classroom: How People Learn Science in Informal Environments (Chapter 19). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Daniel, K.L. & Luxford, C. (In Press, 2022). Building your personal pitch using a message framework. In S. Rowland and L. Kuchel (Eds.). Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide (Chapter 55). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Nature.
Leone, A.E., Daniel, K.L., French, D., Clough, M. (In Press, 2022). Statements of Critical Significance (SOCS) for communicating succinctly. In S. Rowland and L. Kuchel (Eds.). Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide (Chapter 11). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Nature.
Daniel, K.L., McConnell, M., Schuchardt, A., & Peffer, M.E. (2022). Challenges facing interdisciplinary researchers: Findings from a professional development workshop. PLOS ONE. 17(4), e0268234. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267234
Marty, B., Daniel, K.L., & Forsythe, M. (Accepted – Jan 2022). Bee time. Science & Children.
Jenkins, K.P., Mead, L., Baum, D.A., Daniel, K.L., Bucklin, C.J., Leone, E.A., Gibson, J.P., & Naegle, E. (Online First – Mar 2022). Developing the BETTSI: A tree-thinking diagnostic tool to assess individual elements of representational competence. Evolution. 1-14. doi:10.1111/evo.14458
Daniel, K. L. (2022). Interpreting the Pseudocot Phylogeny. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/E2AB-YG50
Messick, J.A., Serenari, C., Daniel, K.L., Idema, J., & Lute, M. (2021 Online First, Issue out in 2022). Determinants influencing recruitment in the Houston Toad programmatic safe harbor agreement. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 27(5). doi:10.1080/10871209.2021.1959961
Jenkins, K., Mead, L., Baum, D., Daniel, K.L., Bucklin, C.J., Leone, E.A., Gibson, J.P. & Naegle, E. (2021). BETTSI – Basic Evolutionary Tree-Thinking Skills Instrument. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/ZQY1-W289
Nolen, Z.L., Daniel, K.L., & Bucklin, C.J. (2021). Perceived benefits from participating in content-based student organizations. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(4), 417-429. doi:10.1080/19496591.2020.1796689
Daniel, K.L. (2020). Recognizing personal challenges to emerge as a stronger teacher. The American Biology Teacher, 82(4), 197. doi:10.1525/abt.2020.82.4.197
Ashford-Hanserd, S., Daniel, K.L., García, D.M., & Idema, J.L. (2020). Factors that influence persistence of biology majors at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 4, 47-60. doi:10.9741/2578-2118.1048
Leone, E.A., Salisbury, S.L., Nolen, Z.L., Idema, J.L., Parsley, K.M., Stefanik, K.L., & Daniel, K.L. (2019). Identifying the breakdowns in how students and faculty interpret course learning objectives. Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 45, 16-23. ERIC Number: EJ1223956
Cuddeback, L.M., Idema, J.L., & Daniel, K.L. (2019). Lions, tigers, and teens: Promoting interest in science as a career path through teen volunteering. International Zoo Educators Journal, 55. 29-32.
Ubben, I., Salisbury, S., & Daniel, K.L. (2019). Combining visual and verbal data to diagnose and assess model competence. In A. Upmeier zu Belzen, D. Krüger and J. van Driel (Eds.). Towards a Competence-based View on Models and Modeling in Science Education (Chapter 6). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. (pp.99-115).
Daniel, K.L. (Ed.) (2018). Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Daniel, K.L., Bucklin, C.J., Leone, E.A., & Idema, J.L. (2018). Towards a definition of representational competence. In K.L. Daniel (Ed.) Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education (Chapter 1). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Mishra, C., Clase, K.L., Bucklin, C.J., & Daniel, K.L. (2018). Improving students’ representational competence through a course-based undergraduate research experience. In K.L. Daniel (Ed.) Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education (Chapter 9). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Saleh, M.R. & Daniel, K.L. (2018). Leveraging on Assessment of Representational Competence to Improve Instruction with External Representations. In K.L. Daniel (Ed.) Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education (Chapter 8). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Ubben, I., Nitz, S., Daniel, K.L., & Upmeier zu Belzen, A. (2018). Assessing Representational Competence with Eye Tracking Technology. In K.L. Daniel (Ed.) Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education (Chapter 11). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Mraz, J.A., Daniel, K.L., Bucklin, C.J., Mishra, C., Ali, L., & Clase, K.L. (2018). Student identities in authentic course-based undergraduate research experience. Journal of College Science Teaching, 48, 68-75.
Bucklin, C.J. & Daniel, K.L. (2017). Using word associations as a formative assessment for understanding phylogenetics. American Biology Teacher, 79, 668-670.
Daniel, K.L. & Mishra, C. (2017). Student outcomes from participating in an international STEM service-learning course. SAGE Open. January-March, 1-11.
Daniel, K.L. (2016). Impacts of active learning on student outcomes in large lecture biology courses. American Biology Teacher, 78(8), 651-655.
Moore, A.D., Daniel, K.L., & Thomas, A.K. (2016). Engaging students with ADHD through a nature hike. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 13, 73-80.
Planchard, M., Daniel, K.L., Maroo, J., Mishra, C., & McLean, T. (2015). Homework, motivation, and achievement in a college genetics course. Bioscene, 41(2), 11-18.
Boyce, C.J., Mishra, C., Halverson, K.L. & Thomas, A.K. (2014). Getting students OUTSIDE: Using technology as a way to stimulate engagement. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23, 815-826.
Siegel, M., Menon, D., Sinha, S., Promyod, N., Wissehr, C., & Halverson, K.L. (2014). Equitable written science assessments for English language learners: How scaffolding helps. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25, 681-708.
Halverson, K.L. & Friedrichsen, P.M. (2013). Learning tree thinking: Developing a new framework of representational competence. In D. Treagust and C.-Y. Tsui (Eds.) Multiple representations in biology education (Chapter 10). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. (pp. 185-202).
McLaurin, D., Halverson, K.L., & Boyce, C.J. (2013). Using Manipulative Models to Develop Tree-Thinking. Biology International – The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) l, 54, 108-121.
Walter, E.M., Halverson, K.L., & Boyce, C.J. (2013). Investigating the relationship between college students’ acceptance of evolution and tree thinking understanding. Evolution: Education, and Outreach, 6, 26.
Halverson, K.L., Boyce, C.J., & Maroo, J.D. (2013). Order matters: Pre-assessments and student generated representations. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 6, 24.
Witzig, S., Halverson, K.L., Siegel, M.A., & Freyermuth, S.K. (2011). The interface of opinion, understanding, and evaluation while learning about a socioscientific issue. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 2483-2507.
Halverson, K.L., Pires, J.C., & Abell, S.K. (2011). Exploring the complexity of tree thinking expertise in an undergraduate plant systematics course. Science Education, 95, 794-823.
Halverson, K.L. (2011). Improving tree-thinking one learnable skill at a time. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 4, 95-106.
Siegel, M.A., Halverson, K.L., Freyermuth, S.K., & Clark, C. (2011). Beyond grading: A series of rubrics for science learning. The Science Teacher, 78(1), 42-47.
Halverson, K.L., Siegel, M.A., & Freyermuth, S.K. (2010). Non-Science majors’ critical evaluation of websites in a biotechnology course. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19 (6), 612-620.
Halverson, K.L., Freyermuth, S., Siegel, M., & Clark, C. (2010). What undergraduates misunderstand about stem cell research. International Journal of Science Education, 32, 2253-2272.
Concannon, J., Siegel, M.A., Halverson, K.L., & Freyermuth, S.K. (2010). College students’ conceptions of stem cells, stem cell research, and cloning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19, 177-186.
Halverson, K.L. (2010). Using pipe cleaners to bring the tree of life to life. American Biology Teacher, 72, 223-224.
Halverson, K.L. & Lankford, D.M. (2009). Science galls me: What is a niche anyway? American Biology Teacher, 71, 483-491.
Halverson, K.L., Siegel, M.A., & Freyermuth, S.K. (2009). Lenses for framing decisions: Undergraduates’ decision making about stem cell research. International Journal of Science Education, 31, 1249-1268.
Siegel, M., Wissehr, C.F., & Halverson, K.L. (2008). Sounds like “success:” A framework for equitable assessment. The Science Teacher, 75 (3), 43-46.
Halverson, K.L., Heard, S.B., Nason, J.D., & Stireman, J.O. (2008). Differential attack on diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid Solidago altissima L. by five insect gallmakers. Oecologia, 154, 755-761.
Halverson, K.L., Heard, S.B., Nason, J.D., & Stireman, J.O. (2008). Origins, distribution and local co-occurrence of polyploidy cytotypes in Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany, 95, 50-58.
Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.