Jason Martina

Jason Martina, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Post-doc, 2012-2014, University of Michigan
Ph.D., 2012, Michigan State University
M.S., 2006, Northern Illinois University
B.S., 2004, Northern Illinois University
Website (Be aware this link is to an external website.)
Ecology and Management of Aquatic Macrophytes (BIO 7426)
Wetland Plant Ecology and Management (BIO 4429)
Global Change Biology (BIO 4351I/5351I)
Research Interests
Wetland Ecology, Plant Ecology, Invasion Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology, Restoration Ecology
We study global change in wetlands and grasslands. We use field, laboratory and computational modeling techniques to test hypotheses concerning some of the most important drivers of global change, such as biological invasion, nitrogen deposition and climate change. We look at plant invasions holistically, from the species traits and external drivers that allow these aggressive species to dominant, to what effects their dominance has on the ecosystem, with the overall goal of using newly gained information to manage their populations and restore invaded ecosystems. While we mainly focus on the causes and consequences of biological invasion, we also study nutrient pollution, disturbance, endangered species and restoration of degraded ecosystems.
Some questions we address include: How do global change drivers (such as eutrophication, disturbance, etc.) affect plant community composition? Why do certain species become invasive? What physiological, reproductive, and morphological traits allow for their competitive superiority? What are the consequences of invasion to the native biota and how do these changes affect nutrient cycling and carbon storage? What restoration techniques best control their populations?
Recent Publications
Herod, M. and J.P. Martina. 2023. Environmental factors influencing the growth and resource allocation of Arundo donax, a riparian invader. Weed Research 1-11
Spohn, M, S Bagchi, L Biederman, E Borer, KA Bråthen, M Bugalho, M Caldeira, J Catford, S Collins, N Eisenhauer, N Hagenah, S Haider, Y Hautier, J Knops, S Koerner, L Laanisto, Y Lekberg, JP Martina, H Martinson, R McCulley, P Peri, M Petr, S Power, A Risch, C Roscher, E Seabloom, C Stevens, GF Veen, R Virtanen, L Yahdjian. 2023. The positive effect of plant diversity on soil organic carbon depends on climate. Nature Communications 14(1):6624
Chen, Q, S Wang, E Borer, J Bakker, E Seabloom, WS Harpole, N Eisenhauer, Y Lekberg, Y Buckley, J Catford, C Roscher, I Donohue, S Power, P Daleo, A Ebeling, J Knops, JP Martina, A Eskelinen, J Morgan, A Risch, M Caldeira, M Bugalho, R Virtanen, I Barrio, Y Niu, A Jentsch, C Stevens, J Alberti, Y Hautier. 2023. Multidimensional responses of ecological stability to eutrophication in grasslands. Nature Communications 14(1):6375
Wilfahrt, P., E. Seabloom, J. Bakker, L. Biederman, M. Bugalho, M. Cadotte, M. Caldeira, J. Catford, Q. Chen, I. Donohue, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, S. Haider, R. Heckman, A. Jentsch, S. Koerner, K. Komatsu, R. Laungani, A. MacDougall, J.P. Martina, H. Martinson, J. Moore, Y. Niu, T. Ohlert, H. olde Venterink, P. Orr, P. Peri, E. Pos, J. Price, X. Raynaud, Z. Ren, C. Roscher, N. Smith, C. Stevens, L. Sullivan, M. Tedder, P. Tognetti, C. Veen, G. Wheeler, A. Young, H. Young, E. Borer. 2023. Nothing lasts forever: dominant species decline under rapid environmental change in global grasslands. Journal of Ecology 111:2472-2482
Garbowski, M., E. Boughton; A. Ebeling, P. Fay, Y. Hautier, H. Holz, A. Jentsch-Beierkuhnlein, S. Jurburg, E. Ladouceur, J.P. Martina, T. Ohlert, X. Raynaud, C. Roscher, G. Sonnier, P. Tognetti, L. Yahdjian, P. Wilfart, W.S. Harpole. 2023. Nutrient enrichment alters seasonal beta-diversity in global grasslands. Journal of Ecology 111:2134-2145
Rogan, J., M.R. Parker, Z.B. Hancock, A.D. Earl, E.K. Buchholtz, K. Chyn, J.P. Martina, L.A. Fitzgerald. 2023. Genetic and demographic consequences of range contraction patterns during biological annihilation. Scientific Reports 13:1691
Siciliano-Martina, L., J.P. Martina, Dohnalik, E., Vielleux, G. 2023. Factors influencing the timing and frequency of litters in captive fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda). Animal Reproduction Science 248 107182
Ladouceur, E., S.A. Blowes, J.M. Chase, A.T. Clark, M. Garbowski, J. Alberti, C.A. Arnillas, J.D. Bakker, I.C. Barrio, S. Bharath, E.T. Borer, L.A. Brudvig, M.W. Cadotte, Q. Chen, S.L. Collins, C.R. Dickman, I. Donohue, G. Du, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, P.A. Fay, N. Hagenah, Y. Hautier, A. Jentsch, I.S. Jónsdóttir, K. Komatsu, A. MacDougall, J.P. Martina, J.L. Moore, J.W. Morgan, P.L. Peri, S.A. Power, Z. Ren, A.C. Risch, C. Roscher, M.A. Schuchardt, E.W. Seabloom, C.J. Stevens, G.F. Veen, R. Virtanen, G.M. Wardle, P.A. Wilfahrt, W.S. Harpole. 2022. Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment. Ecology Letters 25:2699-2712
Jameson, E.E., Elgersma, K.J., J.P. Martina, W.S. Currie, and D.E. Goldberg. 2022. Size-dependent analyses provide insights into the reproductive allocation and plasticity of invasive and native Typha. Biological Invasions https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-022-02881-9
Carroll, O., E. Batzer, S. Bharath, E.T. Borer, S. Campana, E. Esch, Y. Hautier, T. Ohlert, E.W. Seabloom, P.B. Adler, J.D. Bakker, L. Biederman, M.N. Bugalho, M. Caldeira, Q. Chen, K. Davies, P.A. Fay, J.M.H. Knops, K. Komatsu, J.P. Martina, K.S. McCann, J.L. Moore, J.W. Morgan, T.O. Muraina, B. Osborne, A.C. Risch, C. Stevens, P.A. Wilfhart, L. Yahdjian, and A.S. MacDougall. 2022. Nutrient identity modifies the destabilizing effects of eutrophication in grasslands. Ecology Letters 25(4) 754-765
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