Hong-Gu Kang
Cell Physiology (BIO 4441/5441)
Cytology and Microtechnique (BIO 4480/5480)
Research Interests
Biotic stress in plants, Plant immunity, Epigenetic factors
Selected Publications
Bordiya Y, Zheng Y, Nam JC, Choi HW, Lee BK, Kim J, Klessig DF, Fei Z and Kang HG. (2016) Pathogen Infection and MORC1 Affect Chromatin Accessibility of Transposable Elements and Expression of Their Proximal Genes in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, in press
Bordiya Y and Kang HG. (2016) Genome-wide analysis of chromatin accessibility in Arabidopsis infected with Pseudomonas syringae. Methods in Molecular Biology, in press
DeFalco TA, Marshall CB, Munro K, Kang HG, Moeder W, Ikura M, Snedden WA, Yoshioka K. (2016) Multiple calmodulin-binding sites positively and negatively regulate Arabidopsis CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED CHANNEL. Plant Cell, in press.
Moon JY, Oh CS, Lee JH, Kang HG, and Park JM. (2016) Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Responses Function in the HRT-mediated Hypersensitive Response in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant Pathology. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12369
Manosalva P, Manohar M, Kogel KH, Kang HG, Klessig DF. (2015) The GHKL ATPase MORC1 Modulates Species-Specific Plant Immunity in Solanaceae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 28:927-42,
Hong-Gu K, Choi, HW, von Einem, S, Manosalva, P, Ehlers, K, Liu, P-P, Umar, S, Buxa, V, Moreau, M, Mang, H-G, Kachroo, P, Kogel, K-H, Klessig, DF (2012) CRT1 is a nuclear-translocated MORC endonuclease that participates in multiple levels of plant immunity. Nature Communications 3, 1297
Hong-Gu K, Oh C-S, Sato, M, Katagiri, F, Glazebrook, J, Takahashi, Martin, G, and Klessig, DF (2010). Endosome-associated CRT1 functions early signaling in R (resistance) gene-mediated defense signaling. Plant Cell, 22, 918-936.
Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.