David Huffman

David Huffman, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Ph.D., 1973, University of New Hampshire
M.S., 1970, Marshall University
A.B., 1968, West Virginia University
Aquatic Biology (BIO 3460)
General Parasitology (BIO 4413/5413)
General Ornithology (BIO 4321/5321)
Biometry (BIO 4425/5425)
Research Interests
Parasitology (of fish and aquatic invertebrates), Ornithology (nesting ecology and field identification of species)
Selected Publications
Bock, JA; Green, MC; & Huffman, DG. 2016. Nesting ecology and hatchling ontogeny of Neotropic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax brasilianus).Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society, in press.
Huston, DC; Worsham, MLD; Huffman, DG & Ostrand, KG. 2014. Haplorchis pumilio (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) infecting threatened and endangered fishes of Texas. Bioinvasions Records 3:189-194.
Huston, DC, Cantu, V; & Huffman, DG. 2013. Experimental exposure of adult San Marcos salamanders and larval leopard frogs to the cercariae of Centrocestus formosanus. Journal of Parasitology 100:239-241.
Johnson, MS, Bolick, A, Alexander, M, Huffman, DG, Oborny, E, & Monroe, A. 2012. Fluctuations in densities of the invasive gill parasite Centrocestus formosanus (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) in the Comal River, Comal County, Texas, U.S.A. Journal of Parasitology 98:111-116.
Fleming, BP; Huffman, DG; Bonner, TH; & Brandt, TM. 2011. Metacercarial distribution of Centrocestus formosanus (Digenea: Heterophyidae) among fish hosts in the Guadalupe River drainage of Texas. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 23:117-124.
Pound, KL; Nowlin, WH; Huffman, DG; & Bonner, TH. 2010. Trophic ecology of a nonnative population of suckermouth catfishes (Hypostomus) in a central Texas spring-fed stream. Environmental Biology of Fish 90:277-285.
Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.