Al Groeger

Al Groeger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., 1986, University of Oklahoma
M.S., 1979, Central Michigan University
B.S., 1976, Purdue University
Principles of Biology (BIO 1310)
Functional Biology (BIO 1430)
Limnology (BIO 4470/5470)
Reservoir Ecology (BIO 7471)
Research Interests
Reservoir Limnology, Physiological Ecology, Algae, Watershed Biogeochemistry
Selected Publications
Becker, J.C., A.W. Groeger, W.H. Nowlin, M.M. Chumchal, and D. Hahn.. 2011. Spatial variability in the speciation and bioaccumulation of mercury in an arid, subtropical reservoir ecosystem. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:2300-2311.
Becker, J.C. and A.W. Groeger. 2010. Distribution of mercury in the sediments of Amistad International Reservoir, Texas, USA. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology 30:1555- 1558.
Kamps, R.H., M. Gault, G. Tatum and A.W. Groeger. 2009. Discharge and water quality of the submerged Goodenough Spring, International Lake Amistad, Texas, USA. Hydrogeology Journal 17:891-899.
Tietjen,T.E., A.W. Groeger, and D. Woodward. 2008. The impact of a plunging inflow on extracellular enzyme activity in a reservoir ecosystem. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology 30:386-390.
Groeger, A.W. 2007. Nutrient limitation in Crater Lake, Oregon. Hydrobiologia. 574:205-216.
Cave, M.S. and A.W. Groeger. 2007. Weathering and water quality in the Blanco River, a subtropical karst stream. Texas Journal of Science 59:163-178.
Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.